Client Confidentiality
Corevyan is loyal to the main professional standards for the protection of our clients’ confidential information. Our uncompromising expert standards were embedded in his perseverance that we “at all times respect the confidential nature inherent in a professional relationship.” This remains an essential component of how we work and who we are.
All of our people personally commit to maintaining the highest professional standards. We ask every employee to annually reaffirm our Code of Business Conduct not share any information of our clients.
Our confidentiality framework includes confidentiality definitions, and standards on conflict of interest, information sharing, and physical and IT security—and we are always available to discuss our standards with clients in greater detail.
Our specific confidentiality processes are continually reviewed and updated to ensure that they fully align with the changing business environment and best-practice standards. Broadly, they are reflected in our client confidentiality framework, as shown below.
Protecting our clients’ confidence and business interests is not just what we do, it’s who we are. We welcome the opportunity to further discuss, and invite you to contact us