The India-Africa relationship is distinctive and owes its origins to a common past that they share – a past that witnessed a struggle against colonialism, poverty and illiteracy. India and the African nations have been building strong and mutually beneficial associations since long. Its exchange relations with the African nations as long back as in the sixteenth century. As developing economies, India and Africa have a great deal in like manner rich common assets, comparative demography and expansive residential markets. This gives a characteristic cooperative energy to building organizations. The primary extensive scale Afro-Asian meeting occurred amid April, 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia. The twenty nine nations, which took part at the Bandung Conference, spoke to about one fourth of the Earth’s territory surface and an aggregate populace of 1.5 billion individuals. The meeting was composed by Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India. In 1964, a two-sided program of monetary help and common participation, to profit the two India and Africa, was dealt with through the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) program. This program was a obvious image of India’s part and commitment to South-South Cooperation. Amid the 1990s expanded spotlight was laid on Indo-African financial, training and specialized participation. As of late, India’s financial association with the African nations has been exuberant, broadening past exchange and speculation to innovation exchanges, information sharing, and abilities improvement. Industrious endeavours are being placed in at the administration level and in addition the private part level, for a exhaustive commitment, to walk together as accomplices in advance. The First India-Africa Forum Summit in 2008 at New Delhi was an earth shattering step toward that path. Conferences and gatherings held in 2009 and 2010 were the indications of eagerness to support a solid relationship. The India- Africa Business Partnership Summit I (2009) composed by FICCI, assumed a critical part toward this path. The phase for a dynamic commitment amongst India and Africa was additionally set at the second India-Africa Gathering Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in May 2011. The India-Africa Business Partnership Summit II, sorted out by FICCI, amid October 2011, likewise assumed a synergist part in the energetic connection amongst India and Africa. Many African nationals are attracted to India as there are so many good and profitable business ideas in India with low Investment and high profit.


The India-Africa monetary and exchange relations have seen a flood, from an unobtrusive level of US$ 24.98 billion of every 2006-07 to US$ 53.33 billion out of 2010-11. The aggregate exchange between the two developed at a aggravated yearly development rate (CAGR) of 20.87% amid a similar period. Besides, two-sided exchange amongst India and Africa is relied upon to achieve US$ 70 billion by 2015. Then again, finished the previous two decades, foreign direct investment (FDI) has turned into a fundamental wellspring of monetary improvement for Africa. India has been available in Africa for quite a long time with its FDI, for the most part in the administrations and assembling divisions. India, now the world’s 21st biggest outward financial specialist, is the ninth biggest wellspring of FDI into Africa. Indian multinational undertakings (MNEs) are looking for more key interests in developing markets, especially in Africa.


The aggregate GDP of African nations in 2008 was nearly US$ 1.5 trillion, roughly the same as that of Russia or Brazil. By 2020, the aggregate GDP of the African nations is evaluated to increment to US$2.6 trillion. The genuine GDP has ascended to 4.9% for every annum between the years 2000 to 2008, which is more than twofold that of the 1990s. Genuine GDP development ascended from 3.1% in 2009 to a level of 4.9% of every 2010. The same is anticipated to develop at 5.8% of every 2012, in spite of tumbling to 3.7% out of 2011. In spite of the fact that there are a couple of components that can capture the development of a nation, yet there likewise exist a few patterns demonstrating unfaltering long haul development prospects in the mainland.


Africa’s Trade Composition:


Africa is one of the most extravagant districts on the planet regarding common assets. It has 10% of the world’s oil saves, 40% of its gold, 80-90% of chromium stores to give some examples, with extensive tracts unexplored still. With expanding worldwide interest for vitality, Africa will stay basic to the world economy.


Fares: Not astonishing at that point, that more than 66% of the aggregate fares from Africa to the rest of the world comprise of essential items. The single biggest sent out item from Africa is raw petroleum. Aside from this, few African nations send out differing mineral and mining items, horticultural and fishery items. Generally, a couple of African nations have begun sending out fabricated items too. South Africa, for example, has risen as a vital territorial modern center point, with expanding fares of made items to whatever remains of the world.


IMPORTS: Africa imports items that help the basic financial exercises of the African nations, for example, transportation and correspondence types of gear. Sustenance items, FMCG, media transmission and pharmaceutical items are among the other noteworthy imports. Other than these the African nations with their sprouting fabricating areas, progressively import different part items and these part items are also profiting India.



Among the segments for conceivable joint efforts, farming is the major monetary area of the African mainland. It represents 25% of the GDP and utilizes 60% of the aggregate workforce of African countries. Rural generation in Africa is very divided, since over 85% of the ranches involve not in excess of two hectares. The African nations are trying earnest endeavours to support FDI inflows by recovering the speculation atmosphere through broad arrangement, and political and institutional changes went for diminishing boundaries. The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) which was one of the African Union’s key activities was expected to coordinate the focus on long haul interest in some need zones like-land and water administration, showcase get to, agrarian research, innovation spread and such.




Like some other rising area of the world, Africa offers assorted open doors nearby a couple bottlenecks, for exchange and speculations. Hazards of the political condition in a few areas in the landmass, poor access to customers/advertises because of framework holes, deficiency of intensity supply, vague approaches and directions, poor human capital, abnormal state of organization, poor coordination bolster, inaccessibility of satisfactory keeping money and budgetary offices, inconsistent nearby accomplices, low acknowledgment of brand India, rejection of Indian degrees are among the significant obstructions and challenges that landmass is confronting today.